St. Clare Walker community of St. Clare Walker Middle School, which includes faculty, its beginning in 1929. realize his or her potential. There are also 10 permanent re-relocatable classrooms. 3. A sturdy back pack, but small enough to fit into a locker, a refillable water bottle, and a few sets of inexpensive wired earbuds to use with a chromebook throughout the year. A belt must be worn at all times. Hats, caps, kerchiefs, other head coverings (with the exception of religious head coverings), and sunglasses are not to be worn indoors. *There areas of scholarship, leadership, service, citizenship and character. The cuffs of pants should touch the tops of the shoes. Mr. Douglas J. Guthrie , Principal's Page; 2021-2022 School Improvement Plan; School Safety; . Appointments are Elementary School, School for the Talented and Gifted in Pleasant Grove, William B. Travis Academy/Vanguard for the Academically Talented and Gifted, Mark Twain School for the Talented and Gifted, Dr. Frederick D. Haynes III Global Prep Academy at Paul Quinn College, Dr. Wright L. Lassiter Jr. There are only a very limited number of cases in the United States, but we can expect the number of domestic cases to increase over coming weeks. The audience enjoyed vocal, rap, and dance performances by some of A. Maceo Walker's talented students. All orders will be sent to Walker and you will be notified when to pick up. Coach, Hansen, Jason - Boys Athletic Coordinator/P.E. Elementary School, Lincoln High School and Humanities/Communications Magnet, Mark Twain School for the Talented & Gifted, Marvin E. Robinson School of Business and Management at Yvonne A. Ewell Townview, Personalized Learning Academy at Highland Meadows, Personalized Learning Preparatory at Sam Houston, Raul Quintanilla Sr. Middle School STEAM Academy, Rosemont Lower Chris V. Semos Building and Upper School, Rosie M. Collins Sorrells School of Education and Social Services at Yvonne A. Ewell Townv, School for the Talented and Gifted at Yvonne A. Ewell Townview Center, School for the Talented and Gifted in Pleasant Grove, School of Health Professions at Yvonne A. Ewell Townview Center, School of Science and Engineering at Yvonne A. Ewell Townview Center, Sudie L. Williams Talented and Gifted Academy, Thelma Elizabeth Page Richardson Elementary School, Thomas L. Marsalis Elementary STEAM Academy, West Dallas STEM School Program at Pinkston, William B. Travis Academy/Vanguard for the Academically Talented and Gifted, Young Mens Leadership Academy at Fred F. Florence Middle School, Young Womens STEAM Academy at Balch Springs Middle School, Leonides Gonzalez Cigarroa, M.D. Upon entering the Walker has earned an "A" from the Florida Department of Education every year since 2012! Every Dress shoes must be worn. other than parents/guardians must be approved by parents/guardians with the child succeed. For more information, view Salem-Keizers Nondiscrimination / Title IX policy here. Jerry R. Walker Middle School a NISE STEM Certified Campus District Home Our Schools Find It Fast Calendar Event Calendar & Printable Calendar Athletics Walker Middle School Lobo Athletics Menus Daily Menus & Nutritional Information Lobo Hub Staff Resources Focus Parent Portal & Student Data Newsletter Walker Weekly Newsletter Upcoming Events is a unique individual. Cosmetics, jewelry and other accessories should be applied in moderation. with a teacher, please call the school so that we may arrange a conference time PE for an indefinite or extended period of time. More than just an honor roll, is necessary to assess progress and understanding. Clothes must fit properly (be neither undersized nor oversized), be tastefully modest, be neat, be clean, and be free from holes, tatters, frays, or excessive wear. Head wraps, scarves, Bonnets, and hats are not allowed. & Life Readiness Math 8 Math escorted by school staff to their destination. He returned to Middlesex County Friday Dress Official Walker spirit shirts may be worn on Fridays with uniform bottoms. Upcoming Events View Calendar FridayJanuary 06 Professional Development/Capacitacin profesional The cuffs of pants should touch the tops of the shoes. Shirts must fit appropriately. community that is relevant, challenging, integrative, and exploratory. Unit Tests, Major Assessments, Major Tasks, Presentations, Final PBAs,Essays, Research Projects/Papers, Mini tasks, Daily Assignments, Purposeful Independent Practice, Quizzes,Quick Writing Assignments, Exit Tickets, Blog Entries, Quick Checks,Individual PBA Components. school, visitors are required to report directly to the main office to sign in Phone: (757) 565-0373, Williamsburg-James City County Public Schools , Student Clubs, Groups & Activities Handbook, Williamsburg Regional Library Database List. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Coach, Jameson, Blake - CTE Career Investigations, Thomas, Kellia - Academic Interventionist, Thompson, Christopher - Technology Applications, LEHS Smart Branch is Now Serving the LE Community, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Hoodies may not be worn. Office Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM (Monday-Friday) School Hours: 9:30 AM - 3:57 PM (M,T,Th,and F) 800 Karen Blvd Capital Heights, MD 20743 Phone 301-808-4055 . School Improvement Plan 2022-2023 Please view the presentation below and fill out the sign-in form and provide any feedback or questions you may have. Find It Fast Calendar Event Calendar & Printable Calendar Athletics Walker Middle School Lobo Athletics Menus Daily Menus & Nutritional Information Lobo Hub Staff Resources School Hours: 8:15-3:15. To ensure students are receiving the required content, it The School requests that students and parents periodically examine garments that are to be worn to school to ensure their continued proper fit. Buckles should be gold or silver. Science Physical Science, Language guardians in an emergency situation, and it is imperative it is updated with Lafayette High of your childs teachers. Mini tasks, Daily Assignments, Purposeful Independent Practice, Quizzes. Socks and rubber-soled shoes are required for P. E. Makeup is inappropriate and jewelry should be in moderation. We ask that you please do Short shorts, mini-skirts, yoga-style stretch pants, leggings, and sweatpants are not acceptable. E.D. Jerry R. Walker Middle School a NISE STEM Certified Campus District Home Our Schools Congratulations to our December Teachers of the Month: Mrs. Kirby & Mr. Students from Valley View Elementary, Quartz Hill Elementary and Sundown Elementary feed into Joe Walker Middle School. Leading tomorrow. As defined by the Code of Virginia, 3. Our young ladies will wear dresses, skirts or pants, outfits suitable for professional dress. All incoming 6th grade students are invited to Wildcat Camp on September 2nd. All students may wear Navy Blue Fleece with the Walker Mill Middle School Logo. requires assistance in obtaining a gym uniform should contact the school Students violating the dress code will be requested to correct their dress immediately. Take a Parent Course with Family Institute. Those students will still be assigned a consequence in the office based on the chart below. (661) 943-3258Fax: (661) 943-9362Attendance: (661) 974-8559, Accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Schools, Western Association of Schools and Colleges, 533 Airport Blvd., Suite 200Burlingame, CA 94010. your childs teachers, we are committed to doing everything we can to help your WIN period is provided each morning, offering remediation, enrichment and Additionally, the School expects a neat and presentable appearance for students when they represent Walker in the community. Closed - toe shoes ONLY (Slides, Flip-flop, heels, heeled boots, jellies, open toed shoes etc are not permitted.). Joe Walker Middle School is located in the southwest portion of the Antelope Valley at the intersection of 57th Street West and Avenue L-8. At the 1972 dedication of Joe Walker Middle School, then-member of the Westside Union School District School Board, James Skalicky stated, We all want the best education possible for our children; an education that creates enthusiasm and pride in ones accomplishments; one that stimulates the inner self for a desire of understanding people, cultures, society, and education itself. To fulfill this vision, Joe Walker Middle School creates a culture of success by partnering with community organizations to promote instructional relevance in our educational program. If you are interested in serving in this capacity, please call the school. In addition, because fashions change so quickly, the written dress code guidelines published yearly often cannot address every current fashion trend that may arise in the interim. The Failure of a student to At the end you will find resources you can turn to, including where to call, if you want further information or need assistance with COVID-19 prevention or care. immediately. Otherwise, a student may choose to wear a collared shirt. Wednesday 10:20am 4:00pm. Students may not wear chains as part of their daily attire. School and Program Choices. The students should also be suitably dressed before and after school when on school property. student members to maintain the standards used in the selection process. Shorts are also available for purchase. We offer students and families in North Dallas a world of opportunities, including STEM, two-way dual language learning and visual and performing arts. SchoolMAX Family Portal. Hips, midriff, buttocks, lower back, upper thigh and navel will remain covered with clothing whether standing, sitting or bending. Hairstyles identified as unacceptable by an administrator on a case-by-case basis are prohibited. Outerwear such as hoodies, jackets or sweaters must be appropriate; not disruptive or offensive. Principal. the office with this information, return all textbooks and library books, and Bottoms:All undergarments must remain fully under appropriate cover or clothing. Hoodies may not be worn. The dress code is driven by the principles of understanding, respect and pride in our community. A standing ovation to the participants and winners of A. Maceo Walker's Got Talent Competition. Our enrollment is 880 students in grades seven through eight. orderly procedures to make sure we have identified all visitors. The exception are athletes that wear their game day apparel on game day. is a priority for our school and our school division, so we must establish I, Exploratory can also be arranged through any one of your childs teachers. Visitors will be Student Dress Code Student Uniforms The Dallas ISD Board of Trustees has approved the districts dress code policy that requires student uniforms for all elementary and middle school students. Each child comes to us at a different stage of growth - socially, emotionally, physically, and intellectually. Office Phone: 503-399-3220Office Fax: 503-399-5540, 9:20am 4:00pm These students will be sent back to class with a dress code violation note. Students will be participating in activities such as: painting, outdoor learning experiences, sand and water activities, and cooking. All sweaters/sweatshirts must be worn over the uniform polo shirt. Grading procedures are determined by Orange County Public Schools. Walker Middle School / E.D. Students should wear comfortable clothing that allows for independence in the bathroom and is modest during play. school. Language Arts, Career Click here to learn more about the Guidance and Academic Advisement or on the image below. Clothing or accessories which identify students with, or can be perceived as, gang affiliations are not permitted. Clothes must be worn in a way such that genitals, buttocks, breasts, and nipples are fully . This is a great time to start talking to your child about wearing different outfits for work and play. school, visitors are required to report directly to the main office to sign in This information is our only source for contacting parents or You can also visit our School Store to Purchase WMMS Polos and Fleece. 4460 Longhill Road Professional dress days are noted on the school calendar and announced well in advance of each occasion. SOAR (Safety, Parents of students violating the dress code policy will be contacted and requested to immediately provide appropriate clothing. Laws Regarding the Prosecution of Juveniles as Adults, Dual Enrollment, Advanced Placement, Regional Programs. actively participate in this class may be treated in the same manner as failure students are required to participate in a physical education class. Support the Walker Mill PTSA while you shop with Amazon Smile. Recognizing the exceptionalism of every child the mission of Westside Union School District is to educate all students to universally high levels of academic competence. . potentially dangerous items or accessories, clothing promoting items not allowed on campus, clothing bearing distasteful or profane language, drawings, or symbols. WALKER WEBSITE-A calendar, posts and access to forms, handbooks, and staff directory can be accessed here. Welcome Vikings to the 2022-2023 school year! Douglas J. Guthrie Principal Dress Code ; Electronic Devices; Principal's Page. 1. escorted by school staff to their destination. Students will sign a Dress Code Violation Log and the student will return to class as soon as possible to resume instruction. St. All sweaters/sweatshirts must be worn over the uniform shirt. y4eVK4xE34uoxbvk7 *This applies to any violation of the dress code policy. While School Administrators reserve the right to make decisions concerning questionable and inappropriate school attire. You can use this area for legal statements, copyright information, a mission statement, etc. 2. All staff members will send students who are out of compliance to the front office starting at 7:50 a.m. All teachers will conduct a uniform check at the beginning of the period. effective solution. 7. Head wraps, scarves, skull caps, and hats are not allowed. These students will be sent back to class with a dress code violation note. Meetings can be arranged during teachers planning periods by contacting The School expects students to be within dress code between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3:15 p.m. Middle School will provide a caring atmosphere of acceptance, understanding, Clothing or accessories which are form-fitting, suggestive, provocative, disruptive, defamatory, or distracting are not permitted. No blue jeans are allowed on any day other than special designated days. Heelie-Wheelies, Crocs, high heels and flip-flops are not acceptable. Learn about the new "Safer at Home" Health Officer Order. Members failing to maintain all 5 standards Los Angeles County Office of Education News Release, COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and Westside Union School District. PARENTSQUARE! in the learning environment, the following procedures must be followed at all If you would like to discuss your childs When visiting classrooms, Students will need to purchase PE shirts from the school. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Student of the Quarter shirts may be worn with blue jeans. We want to make sure you and your child understand our general grading order to protect the safety of our students and ensure the maximum engagement We offer students and families in North Dallas a world of opportunities, including STEM, two-way dual language learning and visual and performing arts. 1. 8. Other items may be required by teachers, depending on your students classes. Voice concerns, comments, ideas, and compliments. specific and detailed information about class requirements will be provided by Students may purchase new ID's or temporary ID's when needed. Shirts must fit appropriately. Included on campus are specialized rooms to accommodate library, computer lab, and Hi Tech Lab. Hats, caps, kerchiefs, other head coverings, (with the exception of religious head coverings), and sunglasses are not to be worn indoors. Sign ups for sports are on the Walker website under Athletic Registration and are open NOW. Members who do not meet the standards and Jackets worn in school MUST be the same color as the uniform shirt. 79-70 = C. 69-60 = D. 59-0 = F. Individual grading procedures are used at the classroom level. Junior Honor Society chapter at St. Clare Walker Middle School expects all concern about a specific class or assignment. Dress Code ; Electronic Devices; Principal's Page. societys committee and may have their membership revoked. It is the goal of WJCC schools to partner with parents and with students to help students develop self-respect and to prepare them for success in the business world. Skate tennis shoes and bedroom slippers are unacceptable and not allowed. Exceptions to the uniform policy for religious practices will be considered. PLEASE FOLLOW THE RULES FOR THE SAFETY OF ALL OUR STUDENTS. that will not conflict with the teachers scheduled class instruction. A belt must be worn at all times if the garment has belt loops. The first day of school for 7th and 8th graders will be Wednesday, September 7th. I am so excited to be at Walker Middle School as your proud Principal. School Hours: 8:15-3:15 PHILOSOPHY The community of St. Clare Walker Middle School, which includes faculty, administration, and parents, recognizes that every child entrusted to our care is a unique individual. Drop-off/Breakfast - 8:40 a.m.Start - 8:55 a.m.Pick-up - 4:30 p.m.Early Release - 12:55 p.m. 633 French SettlementLittle Elm, TX 75068. Ordering windows are on or about the 1st - 15th of each month. Boys will wear a collared dress shirt with a tie. The committee selects students who have Arts PE/Health Career & Life For more information, view Salem-Keizers Nondiscrimination / Title IX policy here. There Clothes bearing large business logos (larger than 4 in diameter), or names are prohibited. Primary School students at The Walker School are expected to follow the Primary School dress code as outlined below. Hairstyles must be within traditional parameters: that is, styles such as spiked hair, hair colored other than natural color (multi- colored or unusual colors) and patterns shaved into the hair are unacceptable. It is our intention to provide for all our students an atmosphere that is conducive to learning. all who walk into St. Clare Walker Middle School. Students may be picked up in front of the school or in the back parking lot. Walker Mill Middle 800 Karen Boulevard Capitol Heights, MD 20743 301-808-4055 School Website Important Information slide 1 of 1 The Academy of Health Sciences @ Prince George's Community College Teacher Preparation Program Application Window Re-opened until January 17th. In order to best prepare our students for success with twenty-first century skills, we provide a balanced curriculum that educates the whole child combining science, technology, engineering, and mathematics with the arts and humanities. There were the visitor. If you dont use it, the Bb footer will slide up. Attire for some special events and presentations at the School is the field trip uniform. Download the Agency Distribution schedule here, For information, resources, and services available in LA COUNTY, please visit. One watch may be worn. extra-curricular club activities for all students. 3) *Before being taken 1. The School reminds students and their parents that, for most students, the middle school years are filled with uneven growth and development patterns. Additionally recording (video or audio) of Attached is a schedule of available distribution. If you wish to discuss your childs progress NJHS serves to honor those students who have demonstrated excellence in the Submit secure, anonymous safety concerns to help someone who may hurt themselves or others. This is the disclaimer text. Building Construction Academy at Bowers/Whitley, Mort Elementary A Community Partnership School, Riverwalk STEM Academy at Just Elementary, South Tampa Academy at Monroe Middle Magnet,,,, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). and obtain a visitors badge. During the 2020-2021 school year we are unable to make any changes to your child's bus transportation. The 176,100 square foot state-of-the-art campus situated in the town of Oak Point, features 42 . The California School Boards Association Golden Bell Awards reflect the depth and breadth of education programs and governance decisions supporting these programs that are necessary to address students changing needs. office staff. Click Here for Transcripts of all Phone dialers. adopted Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS). History I U.S. History II Civics and Economics, Grade This document reviews current policies and important action steps to keep children safe in Los Angeles Countys 3,040 TK-12 schools. school. Language Arts PLUS Language Arts Language Arts, Math teacher should be your first line of communication if you have a question or 6) Appointments are beginning of the year. The National Attendance 503-399-3222, Walker Middle School Office 503-399-3220 | Attendance: 503-399-3222, Emily Hicks2023-01-06T16:37:17-08:00January 3rd, 2023|, Jordan Hagedorn2022-12-15T17:11:13-08:00December 9th, 2022|, Bryan Andersen2022-11-15T14:24:07-08:00November 14th, 2022|, Office Phone: 503-399-3220Office Fax: 503-399-5540, 9:20am 4:00pm The district will communicate to parents through the Parentsquare app via emails and text when you opt in. Undergarments should not be visible. at any time you have a question or concern, do not hesitate to contact any one Reading The list below may not If you dont use it, the Bb footer will slide up. Parent conferences / Reuniones con los padres (Grades/Grados Pre-K5), Parent conferences / Reuniones con los padres (Grades/Grados 68), Parent conferences / Reuniones con los padres (Grades/Grados 912), 5:30 PM - 6:00 PM degrees in Education from Hampton Institute. Wednesday 10:20am 4:00pm. Students are required to attend school dressed in compliance as outlined in our mandatory uniform policy below. Sleepwear or lounge pants will not be permitted. Readiness, Exploratory Arts PE/Health. Staff members have identified a set of We have carefully created a dress code designed to encourage neatness and personal discipline while making allowances for expressions of individuality and personal taste. not disrupt instruction while visiting the classroom. The school includes 3 main buildings composed of 11 classrooms each, a shop/homemaking building, gymnasium, multipurpose cafeteria with band room and stage, and boys and girls locker rooms. Our enrollment is 880 students in grades seven through eight. the many facets of the world around them. Los Angeles County has seen the increase in cases over the past week, and while there are no cases identified by Public Health in the Antelope Valley, we are taking additional steps to keep our school safe for the students, staff and community. 7) Lunch visitors Plain black or brown belt. these differences in mind, we will challenge the child to reach his or her Sheer tops or other sheer-style garments may only be worn if a suitable undershirt or tank top is underneath. NOTE CHANGES: The uniform policy was updated July 31, 2022. Please call the respective agency for more information or questions. I also want to share information regarding steps that we are taking to minimize the chance of transmission at our school sites. the school. Slippers, shower shoes, flip flops (regardless of ornamentation level), shoes which restrict a students safe and orderly movement anywhere on campus, and shoes with heels higher than 212 inches are not acceptable. 2nd . 2nd - 4th Instance: Student is sent to the office to change, an administrator calls parents and lunch detention is assigned. cause a disruption to the learning environment or any other area of the concentrating on the core curriculum of language arts, math, social studies, We challenge each person to do a little more than usual and give more than ever before. Walker Middle School Quicklinks Learning today. Several agencies throughout the Antelope Valley are currently open for distribution during the pandemic. cell phone use is not permitted (phone calls or texting). complementing our core curriculum with the exploratory arts program, we will Walker Middle School is filled with spirit and pride. to a classroom during instructional time, the teacher(s) must be notified of sincerely encourage parent/guardian visitors to SCW and know that the best St. Clare Walker joined the army and received two science, and physical education as essential to the middle school program, we 2) Visitors will be and respect for students while helping them make a smooth transition from Leading tomorrow. Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook, A Parents Guide for Communicating with Staff and Receiving School-Related Information, Code of Conduct Memorandum of Understanding. Visitors may not Lunch visitors If You can also visit our School Store to Purchase WMMS Polos and Fleece. Various day trips take place throughout the year. This uniform consists of a maroon polo shirt with a Walker logo; khaki slacks, shorts, skirt or jumper; Maroon Walker sweatshirt or maroon sweater if required by the weather; and maroon, black or white socks/tights. endeavor to meet those needs in a climate that encourages students to explore The child will be able to Tops Only White, Black and Forest Green collared polo shirts shall be worn. Dress for success at school! Marshall!! Students must be dropped off in the front of the school, as there is not access to the building from the back parking lot. progress with the teacher, it is appropriate to schedule a parent-teacher
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