silkie recognized variety non bearded blue

I am Bijaya Kumar and I have been raising chickens for the last 10 years. The meat of silkie chicken is often used in Chinese medicine, as this is rich in such a carnitine-carnitine will have anti-aging effects. While these cute birds are pretty easy to care for, they still require plenty of water and food. These feathers are just like regular feathers, however, and extend down to their legs and feet too. For a gallery of Silkie and showgirl chicken images. They also are separated according to colour. Silkies also come in a Bearded and Non-bearded variety, and can be found in many different colors. A male with 2 copies is represented as (B,B).A male with one copy is represented as (B, b+) where lower case b+ indicates a lack of the barring gene. It is difficult to breed the black out of buffs, so only buff varieties should be bred together to achieve the breed standard. Silkie chickens are easy to raise and care, 3. According to the "recognized breeds" link on the website for the American Poultry Association, the splash color is only recognized in,, Forms/APA Recognized Breeds and Varieties Sept2012.pdf. We will describe so much about caring for silkie chickens here. It is in the last few years that I have developed an appreciation for them and the challenge in breeding them.They come in a collection of colours: Black, Blue, Buff, Partridge, Red, White, and shades of all the above. Help! They have black skin and bones and 5 toes instead of the normal 4. JavaScript is disabled. Protein is vital for Silkie chickens, particularly laying Silkies. Meaning that depending of how it is bred, you can tell males from females. Your email address will not be published. Further, they frequently used it to hatch eggs from several other breeds or bird species. Use the search! WebMoreover, they come in eight varieties of colors, including red, blue, black, white, lavender, bush, partridge, and gold. Grey Silkie colour genetics - eb/eb S S pg+/pg+ or Pg/pg+ (Cha/Cha)Once again, the undesirable black crest can be attributed to the presence of Cha. Some breeders describe them simply as darker buff variations, although there are breeders specially working on developing red Silkies in Australia. All Silkie varieties have bluish or black skin. Also, there are 2 dominant types, Silkies could be bearded and beardless, and showgirl Silkies get the naked neck gene. Due to their friendly temperament, Silkies make exceptionally wonderful bird pets. In my opinion, coloured Silkies are among the most beautiful birds in the poultry world. Hi- I'm new to showing. This year I am focusing on achieving the black breast on the males.Partridge Silkie colour genetics - eb/eb s+ Pg/Pg (Cha/Cha)The common fault of partridge silkies having a black crest can be attributed to the Cha (Charcoal) gene. The pure white Silkie is one of the most common Silkie variations available, and like all Silkies, they have a black face and skin. WebSilkie: Bearded Blue: Feather Leg: Bantam: Silkie: Non-Beaded Blue: Feather Leg: Bantam: Silkie: Bearded Buff: Feather Leg: Bantam: Silkie: Non-Bearded Buff : Feather Silkies acquire the condition orally. READ OUR FULL PRIVACY POLICY.DISCLAIMER - I MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO ENSURE THE INFORMATION ON THIS SITE IS ACCURATE, MAINTAINED TO A HIGH STANDARD AND UP TO DATE. Buy 10 for $5.30 ea. (Bare middle toe a serious defect in either sex). A post shared by Kelly's Chicken Adventures (@ilovechookens). We are not entirely sure why there is a bearded and a non-bearded variety but the bearded variety are often referred to as U.S. Silkies as in the States this tends to be the main type of Silkie available, in Europe the main type of Silkie found was the non-bearded type and it is only recently that bearded Silkies are now available here too. Although for show purposes, variations do not apply.There are five standardised colours in the UK. The silkie is famed for its distinctive and rather impressive look. Of course, the most notable thing is its furry silk-like plumage- so furry or fluffy that bunnies were mistaken for them. Bearded - very small, concealed by beard., natural absence preferred. does not intend to provide veterinary advice. They compete in the Featherleg Bantam class at poultry shows. Where and when such fowl first showed up to their unique mixture of attributes is uncertain, and the most excellently documented place of origin is ancient China (so another title occasionally found for the bird, Chinese Silkie chicken). Early documentation shows that these chickens were prevalent in China before they became popular in Asia and the rest of the globe. This chicken breed is a stand-out in the chicken world. Although Silkie chickens differs greatly from other popular breeds, making it one of the less common breeds you can raise, it is a one-of-a-kind option that every homesteader should consider for their backyard flock. What Is It Like to Own a Silkie Chicken? Is the SIlkie Chicken Right For You? Silkie chickens are decent layers, notwithstanding their tiny size. Their striking colours and beautiful patterns are a sight to behold. There are many challenges with breeding this colour, but that is what makes it even more intriguing. They will even go broody without the presence of eggs. ABOUT AND CONTACT US- webmaster@clucking.netWE ARE A PARTICIPANT IN THE AMAZON SERVICES LLC ASSOCIATES PROGRAM, AN AFFILIATE ADVERTISING PROGRAM DESIGNED TO PROVIDE A MEANS FOR US TO EARN FEES BY LINKING TO AMAZON AND AFFILIATED SITES.PRIVACY POLICY - THIS WEBSITES MAKES USE OF ANALYTICS, ADVERTISINGAND AFFILIATE PROGRAMS WHICH USE COOKIES. Symptoms of Salmonellosis include closed eyes, diarrhea, thirst, sadness, and ruffled feathers. Below are a couple of tips on taking proper care of your Silkie chickens. Its one of the purposes of why keeping Silkies outdoors is not suggested they have reduced vision, and also because of their feathers, they could not jump as large as other birds do. The bearded Silkie chicken has a muff of feathers beneath its beak area. The Cuckoo Silkie is not a recognized breed variety and is a relatively new Silkie variation. Learn more. Variations recognized: white, partridge, splash, gray, blue, buff, or black. Because of their frequent inclination towards broodiness, they are not prolific layers as such breeds as Leghorns or Rhode Island Reds, as chickens do not lay while in the broody cycle. The original Silkies were white only, but through meticulous and vigilant breeding by some dedicated fanciers the colors are becoming much better in quality than they were. They can cease laying eggs during the hot summer months. When we think of pears, we immediately APA Standard Of Perfection for Bearded Silkie 2001. Is the splash a standard color for Silkies? The disease can affect your Silkie chickens nervous, digestive, and respiratory systems. Female - Non-Bearded: small, concave, forming a half circle, fine texture, free from wrinkles or folds. Silkies tend to be quite affectionate towards their owners, especially when they accord them proper care. The dominant white gene needs to be introduced from another breed, such as white leghorn.Naked neck Silkies, usually know as Showgirls, are not currently an official Silkie variety in the ABA, or APA standards. Hey, I'm James, a hardworking homesteader for more than 30 years. Live Chicken Shop ARG. Bearded Silkies have an extra beard, or muff, of feathers underneath their beak. Silkies recognized competitive display colors involve black, blue, buff, gray, pertussis, but mostly white. The bearded Silkie chicken has About Us Their skin is also blue-colored. WebThey are the only chicken to have black, or more exactly, dark slate-blue skins. as upright as comb will permit, having a few silky feathers streaming gracefully backwards from lower and back part of crest. (I have non-bearded) Thanks for the reply! While these eggs are tiny compared to chicken and duck eggs, they still pack equal nutrients like proteins and essential minerals, like duck and chicken eggs. Silkies can get wet like other chickens since their feathers arent waterproof. So arrange the place correctly before those birds are brought home. Silkie recognized varieties are available in both Beared and Non-Beared only for bantam size fowl. Shoulders and fronts: concealed by hackles and breast feathers. The disease starts when silkies consume food or water with Coccidian protozoa, a group of parasites that damage chickens intestinal cells, ultimately causing an untimely death. Delivery Information, Whats in Stock? I think my duck doesn't have enough niacin in her body and she cant walk now, what do I do?? Their bones are also bluish or black, while their meat is grayish-black. Silkies are definitely one of the most unique and unusual chicken breeds, and in addition to their unique coloring, they have an extra fifth toe and blue earlobes! Furthermore, calcium is suitable for laying Silkie hens for it helps hens lay quality eggs. This acute respiratory condition can spread rapidly among the Silkies. I enjoy the feeling of accomplishment that comes from tending my flock. Size & Weight. There are some other colors, like Red, Splash, Cuckoo, and Lavender. There are also alternate hues, like cuckoo, lavender, red, or splash. Silkies with Avian Pox have bumps that appear like warts on their wattles and combs. Body And Fluff: Body of moderate length, broad, deep and well rounded from breast bone to stern and let down well between the legs. They are separated by color. Many breeders of quail or pheasant who prefer to hatch naturally as opposed to an incubator will keep a flock of Silkie hens for this purpose. Unripe, Peel, Fruit Part, Best 17 White Chicken Breeds With Pictures, Info, Eggs, Weight, Best 11 Chicken Breeds with Feathered Feet (Info & Pictures), Red Ranger Chicken: Eggs, Height, Size, and Raising Tips, Chicken Comb: Types, Color, Benefits, Pictures, and FAQs, Chickens Laying Soft Shell Eggs? Silkie chickens can either be white, partridge, buff, black buff, or blue. Since their introduction you can now find 4 types of Silkies including Showgirls and Sizzles. The breed has several other unusual qualities, such as black skin and bones, blue earlobes, and five toes on each foot, whereas most chickens only have four. A lot of bedding items are available, so add bedding to a coop. Back: Male - short, broad from shoulders to saddle, quite rounded its entire length rising gradually from middle of the back towards tail. A male with no barring is represented as (b+, b+). According to the "recognized breeds" link on the website for the American Poultry Association, the splash color is only recognized in bearded silkies and was accepted in 2001. It is not listed as an accepted color for non-bearded silkies. Yes; they re the same breed, but different varieties. Also, visit the American Silkie Bantam Club for lots of information and to find breeders. Silkies are known for their black and delicious meat. Having beardless chins allow you to see their pretty faces and gorgeous blue lobes more easily and makes their pom-poms look extra fluffy! The female has one long chromosome and one short chromosome. Since the American Silkie is a bantam (small breed) the eggs are not huge about medium in size ranging in colors from white to light brown. Learn Poultry Chickens Chicken Breeds Silkie Chickens Breed Profile & Facts. Feeding your Silkies with a good diet is crucial to keeping happy and healthy Silkies. The training is in their gene so they efficiently sit on their eggs and hatch their eggs. Virginia Rose is a woody perennial suckering shrub in the rose family native to eastern North America and grows 4-6 feet tall. Bearded: small to nonexistent, concealed by beard. The judge at our county fair didn't give my daughters chicken Reserve because it isn't a recognized color. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Looks like the bearded ones would blow them out of the water! Rhode Island Red Chicken Breed Profile & Facts. A Cuckoo Silkie varies from lavender to navy blue in color, with subtle barring throughout their plumage. The barring gene is on the long chromosome and not the short one, so therefore a female can have only one copy of the barring gene (always). Breast: Carried forward, very full, well rounded and of great depth and width. Search our database of over 11517 posts with up-to-date information from our experts and veterinarians. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. (Show-Girls) Origin: United States Notes: Naked Neck Silkies are both bearded and Non-Bearded, and also have a bib known as a bowtie. Their meat packs plenty of protein despite their meat being smaller than that of larger birds such as ducks and hens. Their skin, beaks, toes, and legs are all black too. The fiber in vegetables will keep your Silkies feeling full, hindering them from overeating. WebSilkie Standard. White Silkies are notoriously slow-growing due to this unique recessive gene. Silkie chicken is available in both standard and bantam (small) variants: Thats not the case all over the globe; only certain places get the bantam. That's why the male cuckoo is so important. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. Emergencies / Diseases / Injuries and Cures. Silkie chickens also need to eat grit occasionally to help their stomach digest food faster and with ease. Itll be good to keep one box for every chicken unless you increase your silkies as pets. STANDARD eWh/eWh Pg/pg+ or pg+/pg+ Mh/Mh Db/Db and recessive blackI believe there are some people working on red Silkies in Australia. Some blue Silkies are a lighter blue-grey tone, and breeders are often challenged with attempting to breed specifically light or dark varieties because they are almost impossible to predict. Privacy Policy Unlike chickens, Silkie chickens are highly susceptible to Mareks disease. Silkie hens love to go broody. Special care is essential for silky chickens because silkie chickens are perhaps the most famous or adored ornamental breed of chicken. Silkie Chickens are divided into two categories, bearded and non-bearded. Approved ABA Varieties are known as; Bearded/Non-bearded White, Bearded/Non-bearded Black, Bearded/Non-bearded Buff, Bearded/Non-bearded Blue, Bearded/Non-bearded Splash, Bearded/Non-bearded Gray, Bearded/Non-bearded Partridge, Bearded Self Blue, Bearded White Naked Neck, Bearded Paint. Of all the ornamental chicken breeds, the Silkie Bantam is one of the most popular and beloved, and certainly one of the most entertaining to watch. Silkies went west, or in 1874 they were welcomed into the North American elegance Standard. So, just as a white and a black compete against each other, so do ones that are bearded and ones that are not. They also possess topknots or crests on their heads and abundant feathers growing down their legs and middle toe. They are among the most enjoyable birds to observe as well. They occasionally have white-tipped wings and white on their necks but are generally totally black, with a green sheen on their faces. Silkie Bantams are some of the most charming and beguiling oddities of the Poultry Fancy. Female - same as male except no spur. However, even standard Silkies are relat Silkies can live long, provided you keep your birds healthy and clean. READ THE FULL DISCLAIMER.GDPR - THIS SITE DOES NOT COLLECT OR STORE ANY INFORMATION. According to the "recognized breeds" link on the website for the American Poultry Association, the splash color is only recognized in bearded silkies and was Silkies could be bearded and unbearded, get a walnut pebble but are also a crested bird, with feathering around their heads often so abundant that you didnt see the funny tiny faces. A female with barring is represented as (B, _).A female without barring is represented as (b+, _). Silkies make good mothers. Varieties shall include the standard recognized varieties: White, Black, Blue, Splash, Buff, Gray, Partridge, and Silkie Bantams are some of the most charming and beguiling oddities of the Poultry Fancy. It is safe to assume that Silkies had been around quite a while before Marco Polo. All be it with the wrong comb. The Silkie of that time and the modern Silkie do not resemble each other in many other respects, being that the ancient Silkies evidently did not have leg feathering or any crest to speak of. Most importantly, Silkies need a secure coop that is free from predators. Silkies are definitely one of the most unique and unusual chicken breeds, and in addition to their unique coloring, they have an extra fifth toe and blue earlobes! The Silkie does not have the hooks on the ends of the tiny strands of the web, which are fluffed out rather than held together. In many cases even the males can possess some of the maternal instincts and can be very gentle towards the chicks, calling them over when he finds a tasty tidbit and as soon as the chicks are old enough to venture any distance away from Mom, they will be seen running around with Dad just as often. Furthermore, the price varies from one place to the other. Hens weigh between 1 and 1.4 kg. WebThe Silkie (also known as the Silky or Chinese silk chicken) is a breed of chicken named for its atypically fluffy plumage, which is said to feel like silk and satin. Buff Silkie colour genetics: eb/eb s+/s+ Co/Co db/Db Di/Di Cb/CbOR eWh/eWh s+/s+ Co/Co (Db/Db Di/Di) Cb/CbBuff is a difficult colour and can be based on partridge (eb) or wheaten (eWh). It is a sex-indicating trait. They typically have a dark grey head or a light grey head streaked with dark grey bands and an even grey body. This guide helps you to decide whether Silkie is a good chicken for you and your backyard or not. The colors which are recognized by both the American Poultry Association and the American Bantam Association are White, Black, Blue, Buff, Gray, Partridge and Splash. Silkies ~ Colors and Gender Guide {May need tweaks}. Nicole is the proud mom of 3 rescue fur babies, Baby, a Burmese cat; Rosa, a New Zealand Huntaway; and Mac, a Lab/Mastiff. Beard & Muffs: Bearded varieties - thick, full, extending back of eyes and projecting from sides of face and composed of feathers turned horizontally backwards, from both sides of the beak, from the center, vertically downwards, the whole forming a collar of three ovals in a triangular group, giving a muffed effect. With good care, though, Silkies can live for approximately nine years or even more. I get numerous requests from people looking for pullets, however, the key to breeding all cuckoos is the male. Furthermore, corn has excess calories, which makes Silkies, especially inactive Silkie chickens, obese. Red Silkie colour genetics - BANTAM eb/eb s+/s+ Pg/Pg Mh/Mh Db/Db or Db/db+ and recessive black. This health condition is also popularly known as Avian Pox. There are separate descriptions for each of the different color varieties indicating what is accepted and what is not. They have unusual qualities, such as blue earlobes, black skins and bones, and five toes on their feet. Other apparent symptoms of fowl cholera include oral discharge, nasal discharge, swollen joints, and lameness. There isnt an actual price for Silkie chickens since the cost depends on the size of a Silkie chicken. Here are the ones that are recognized: white, black, blue, partridge, buff, gray, splash, self-blue (lavender) and paint. gold and even blue! The lavender color does not exist naturally in Silkies and must be introduced by another breed. They also come in eight recognized color varieties: white, black, blue, splash, partridge, gray, buff, and self blue. Silkies are very well recognized for their quiet, friendly temperament, in relation to their unique physical features. Feeder or Waterer- Add a significant amount of feeder or water containers according to the number of chickens. Overly, Silkie chickens come in various colors, including gray, partridge, black, blue, and buff. According to the American Poultry Association (APA), Silkies are only accepted in six colors: white, black, blue, buff, partridge, and splash. They as well cover their legs with their wonderful feathering, and its no surprise they frequently draw resemblances to a giant pom-pom! The average lifespan of a Silkie chicken is around 7-9 years. Colours of Silkie recognised for competitive showing includeblack, blue, buff, grey,partridge, andwhite.Alternative hues, such as cuckoo, lavender, red, and splash also exist. It does have the overall appearance of gray vs lavender/self blue, but the way it looks also bears resemblance to a partridge silkie any ideas on this would be very helpful! Also a larger variety of colors are found today. Silkies are a great species of chicken to have in your backyard, and if youve decided to bring one of these unique birds home, youll need to decide which color is your favorite! Buff Silkies are buff, golden-brown, or straw-colored chickens that occasionally have brown streaks, and they often have darker feathers in their tail area. They are perfect for children, however, should be treated with care as with any pet. Also a larger variety of colors are found today. Their beak only at the base is quite hard, short, broad, itll be colored gray/blue. IMO, there are none yet although a few breeders are getting very close. The cuckoo Silkie is not a recognised variety and there are a few serious breeders working to improve them overall. Silkies also come in a Bearded and Non-bearded variety, and can be found in many different colors. Bearded Silkies have an extra muff of feathers under the beak area that covers the earlobes. They also possess topknots or crests on their heads and abundant feathers growing down their legs and middle toe. Free-range Silkie chickens have access to protein from bugs, although you can sprinkle some fish meal on your yard for the chickens to pick them up while they are roaming outdoors. Silkie chickens are categorized according to color. Other areas through Southeast Asia, like India or Java, were named as potentialities. They also are separated according to color. Thanks to their tiny size, silkie chickens need much smaller cages than other chickens. The original Silkies were white only, but through meticulous and vigilant breeding by some dedicated fanciers the colors are becoming much better in quality than they were. In the pecking order, they can be last, White Rock Chicken: Eggs, Height, Size, and Raising Tips, Can Chicken Eat Bananas? WebPosts about silkie recognized variety standard written by vjppoultry WebSilkies appear in two distinct varieties: Bearded and Non-bearded. Egg Facts: Egg Laying: Good (3/wk) Egg Color: Cream or Tinted Egg Size: Small. Coop & Run - Design, Construction, & Maintenance. Bearded Silkies have an extra muff of feathers under the beak area that covers the earlobes. BlackBlack Silkies are not typically always jet-black, but this is the most desired shade for breeders. They occasionallyBlue/SplashBlue Silkies are an even-toned blue throughout their plumage, almost slate grey in color, without any barring of whiteBuffBuff Silkies are buff, golden-brown, or straw-colored chickens that occasionally have brown streaks, and they often Replace corn with rice or wheat. Thanks! Take a look at the white Silkie in depth. Although they are good layers of themselves, laying only around 2-3 eggs each week, owing to their broody natural environment. This ensures the feathering is not water-resistant, and therefore wet silk will be fragile. How much Niacin does Purina duck feed have? The condition can also hinder Silkie hens from laying eggs. Through 2 separate variants, Silkie appears in Bearded and Non-Bearded. Colours of Silkie recognised for competitive showing include black, blue, buff, grey, partridge, and white. These products being sold are live chicks or eggs. Silkies are considered a bantam breed in some countries, but this varies according to region and many breed standards class them officially as large fowl; the bantam Silkie is actually a separate variety most of the time. On average, Silkies live for around seven years. Black silkie chicken, white, blue, gold, or partridge. Silkies feathers come in different colors and not all colors are recognized by the APA. Do Silkie Roosters Crow? Your email address will not be published. Their tendencies towards broodiness or setting are unsurpassed and Silkie hens will hatch and raise most any kind of poultry or game fowl. Chickens with silica cant fly as their feathers dont hold together. In this article, we look at the 10 different colors that Silkies are found in. Wild aquatic birds carry these viruses and then spread them to domestic birds. These chickens are adorable and pretty easy to look after. Pet Keen is reader-supported. Silkies that get wet are at risk of getting hypothermia. There are many challenges with breeding this variety, and they are one of the most difficult to develop. The naked neck is acquired by breeding a turken to a Silkie. The wings are a slightly darker shade of grey, and their undercoat is a smoky grey that is lighter than the overall top shade. Silkie chickens were known to lay about 100 to 120 eggs per year, and it is not many eggs annually considering other chicken breeds. We have heard it said that Silkies are like a "flock" of kittens but unlike your other pets, your chickens can actually provide your breakfast! Below is the list of all APA accepted varieties of Silkie Bantams: In UK there are 5 recognized varieties of Silkie chicken: Silkie chickens are average egg layers. White, Black, Blue, Splash, Grey, Buff and Partridge. Blue Silkies are an even-toned blue throughout their plumage, almost slate grey in color, without any barring of white Diarrhea, infection in the combs and wattles, and nasal discharge are some of the symptoms of Avian Influenza in Silkies. These feathers help cover the chickens earlobes. Or their peg looks like its a Walnut, it looks almost circular. Non Bearded Silkie Chickens are full of character, they are sweet, docile birds. Their skin, beaks, toes, and legs are all black too. Black Silkies can be bred by breeding a blue and a splash Silkie, a blue and a black Silkie, and of course, two black Silkies. 2. Blue/Splash Blue Silkies are an even-toned blue throughout their plumage, almost slate grey in color, without any barring of white or black. Some good protein sources for Silkie chickens include fish meal, which packs plenty of protein. Such a mash will provide your Silkies with a complete diet which will be crucial for their growth. Once a Silkie hen has decided to set her eggs, there is very little that will bring her from the nest until those eggs have hatched. When you have in your flock a range of chicken breeds, you have to pay a few other extra attentions and make sure bullying does not really happen. The ears should be small and neat, and preference is normally given to turquoise blue ear lobes, although mulberry lobes are permitted. Such birds plumage is hairlike, considered being actual mammalian fur. Barred females can only have 1 copy of the barred gene while barred males can have 2 copies of the barred gene.Barring is defined by "B" which resides on the Z chromosome. What gets me is that splash is recognized in silkiesbut not in Langshans! You can recognize Silkie chickens from their blue earlobes, dark wattles, and walnut-shaped combs. These chickens have a heavy feathering around their beak areas, extending to their ear lobes. Silkie chickens are fantastic meat producers, although they dont produce large chunks of meat like other larger chicken breeds. Although they have thicker and more feathers than other chickens, they can get wet, especially when their feathering is too loose. Approved ABA Varieties are known as; Bearded/Non-bearded White, Bearded/Non-bearded Black, Bearded/Non-bearded Buff, Bearded/Non-bearded Terms and conditions - The keeping of chickens and other poultry is a subjective experience which varies across the world and in different environments. This disease affects all types of birds, including Silkie chickens. Ensure adequate climate from Predators You should make them quiet from predators to raise silkie chickens. They are popular furry chickens with lovely shaded colors. Causes, Treatment & FAQs, Best 11 Tarps for Chicken Coop & Run: A Winter & Rain Proof Pen. I have only ever seen them in white. They're the lap kitty of the chicken world, complete with hair-like plumage and an incredibly sweet temperament. Silkie hens are renowned for their clucky curiosity and their mothering instincts, often going broody even if they are not sitting on eggs. The exact date and place of origin of the Silkies is not known, however Marco Polo wrote of the fur-covered fowl with black skin during his journeys to China in the 13th century. Consider providing your Silkies chickens with layer crumbles instead of pellets, which are too large for the Silkies to swallow without choking. Silkie chickens are also decent layers and meat producers. Vegetables are also crucial for strengthening your Silkies immune system.

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