second molar extraction pros and cons

My dentist says that if I am not bothered by the gap, I dont need an implant to replace it. I will like to know what would be your suggestion. Keep in mind this particular tooth is close to the sinus so sometimes the sinus needs to be lifted up a bit at the same time of the surgery or separately depending on the skill and experience of the dentist and your unique situation. I was sent to another dentist who recommended re-root canal saying that the artificial roots of the first root canal did not go deep enough. month back ehile I was eating. . It will wear down. How long is it okay to wait to have an implant done? If you are missing any of those teeth I would suggest replacing them. My dentist is recommending an implant. Upper wisdoms are below gums and have never given me trouble. Thanks Doc for your valuable and objective guidance. The bicuspids are very important teeth. Last week my Dentist agreed to redo the crown and thank goodness I got it taken out and was feeling better until 2 days ago when I started to experience swelling on my gums. He says she wont need a replacement tooth. not likely Will having a top molar extracted change my appearance? Out of financial reasons Im not ready yet. 2nd molar (upper right) had a very large cavity - sensitive - 4 years ago. I had a question I am getting my tooth#31 removed Oct 20 because it got infected badly. Since i could not chew any more had no option but to extract the implant out. The dentist found cavity on tooth no 2, said caused by wisdom tooth 1. Thanks, 15 Will not move that far forward. I have suffered in misery and the only dentist that can help I am not trusting as they want thousands of dollars My appointment to retreat is not up for 20 days and Im in pain and taking clyndamicin in the meantime. I had my bottom right 2nd molar extracted a couple years ago, 5 month after extraction the adjacent molar (1st molar) started hurting and giving me temple headaches daily, I am living on advil. I want to know if there is still hope, and I would like you to comment on this for any other parents who are being told to extract all the 2nd molars at a young age for the wisdom teeth to come in. You may want to see a dermatologist for that question. The loss of a tooth can actually affect the shape of the face; it is true. I just got my braces off and Im so scared my teeth will shift. Everything else is much more aggressive like a bridge where your teeth are ground down. These are both things that a dentist can do for you to manage possible TMJ or just heavy grinding. The dentists dont seem to understand why I have pain and what to do. 2012;19(4):1337-1350 -, Mu Q.Tavella VJ, Luo XM. Im 30 now, I had my bottom left 2nd molar removed due to it partially being decay by the wisdom tooth partially erupted. A rock!!!!!!! Please let me know that you got this reply. Thank You. Hello. ( Candliver bridge), So that the wisdom tooth area will be gradually covered under gum, If this is a good decision doctor? Or can the dentist place implant in the same titled manner as how current tooth sits? Baby teeth can be maintained for many many years. He also said the implant would be more dire if the tooth adjacent to 18 cracked or failed. My last back molar in the back on the top right was extracted 6 months ago. Thank you. I do have crowding in the front lower would love if this gave me extra room. Sure you can build up and put posts into anything and it will work for a while but if it is really broken down the crown will not likely last. Will having a top molar extracted change my appearance? His front teeth and smile are ideal. I did read your post about replacing the cracked tooth with an implant, but cost is my concern. You have to lose more teeth especially the first molars which are numbered #3, #14, #19, #30. I had a left molar tooth extraction 3 days ago and now my tooth right next to it is very sensitive to touch with a toothbrush. Thanks. and transmitted securely. Implants are elective procedures. It turned out there was a fracture. Nature gave you 8 molars in total. Should I worry about bone loss in the future? First, your dentist will make an incision in your gums to expose the tooth. They usually come in during the late teens or early twenties. I am 17 years old and I have gotten number 31 removed. Thank you for your help, This is a case by case scenario so I cannot comment either way. Please note that in the United States versus internationally, we number teeth differently. The implant has to be placed into your bone. $ With the "white" fillings, is it difficult to see the actual remaining tooth structure on a Xray? Generally you would still need to be in your teens for this to work but sometimes it happens! I could maybe get implants in the future, but this serves no aesthetic purpose for me and my smile.. just functional at this point. On the left, all upper teeth are intact, BUT as for the LOWER LEFT, #30, #29 and #28 have long been extracted (about a decade ago). I need to have #14 extracted. I love your way of thinking. Even when Im talking it fee like Im almost bitting my tongue. The first molar is a REALLY important tooth to replace. Change in masticatory ability with the implant restoration of second molars. There is still a small cavern enough to hold a grain of rice lengthwise. This is a great question Rebecca. I broke it while flossing and now I have a hole and some of the tooth and filling is missing. Hello i need a root canal on tooth 30 but 15 but my insurance will not cover a root canal and i am in pain. After reading through this thread I am unsure if it is needed or not. Heres everything you need to know about upper second molar extractions. A well done root canal will not harm you. Technical Notes for removal of maxillary first and second molars 2.1. Three-dimensional position changes of unopposed molars before implant rehabilitation: a short-term retrospective cohort analysis. Is it imperative that I get an implant for 2? First of all, extarction of second molars should not be deemed so simply. Once you're anesthetized, we'll pull the tooth. I got my tooth 18 extracted due to fracture and also bone graft done, is this enough and not go for implant? I have a salty tasting discharge after upper molar tooth extraction. this link on zirconia dental implants should help you make that decision, Im in trouble. It went well but he said that what he encountered with the position of the molar relative to my sinus would have made an implant more difficult that he originally thought, so it was just as well that I chose not to have one. He is thinking about just leaving extracted since but i am worried for his bite and teeth shifting. Should it be done now or later implantion is possible as well. My #14 fell off. Thank you and more power! I am 51 years old and the tooth has started to crack. this article should help Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions! Hi Doctor, So much pain they also refer me for trigeminal neuralgia. would a flipper tooth be an option in my case? It was a root canal that went bad and got infected after several years. On occasion Im unable to chew with that tooth, too painful. I do have my top 2nd molar and a microdant upper wisdom tooth, but not an upper first molar. I told him to skip the pre-implant procedures and just get the tooth out of there. I think I made an awful decision. Go to an endodontist specialist and save your tooth! Hello my name is Mya, I am 19 years old and I was told that I needed to have #15 molar removed because its has mostly chipped away. Went to a new dentist after 1.5 yr (didnt go for regular check ups during COVID). My dentist had told me implant was optional. Make sure you see a very skilled orthodontist and do your due diligence. They pulled the molar because it was decayed and cracked, and my bottom row are overcrowded anyway. If im seeing it correctly I had #31 removed and now #30 is the last tooth on my upper right side. I had a really deep cavity on #31 and got it filled and placed with a temp. I dont plan to do the implant of this teeth in the future. As a diabetic should I get an extraction and implant during 1 visit or should I do the extraction 1 day and return later to do the implant? I am an African and will be 40 this year, over the years, Ive had causes to extract tooth numbers 5,18, 19, 30, and 31 (using the United states labelling system). This would distribute the load of a heavy biting area over to implants that are sometimes even connected. Not much to chew on,& my face is already sunk in.what to do? Thats the best tooth to lose. I am pretty much anti-root canal becauseI have had 5 done in my lifetime and 4 failed requiring extraction. Bruising: Sometimes bruising can occur around the extraction site. Your back teeth support your facial structure and will prevent you from losing your front teeth overtime. I am not sure I understand. Would it be OK to be left without replacing it. Will the collagen be absorbed and harden to maybe allow an implant if i choose and will #14 now lack support and eventually also be a loss? I really care for my teeth as an adult but my teenage years are catching up with me. Can you elaborate? There isnt a lot of information available on macrodontia. Hello Dr, I have a question. Watch the bone grafting video on this link. Thanks for fielding questions! Im 44. I would go to a different DDS for the crown/root canal! Are you sure? I also suffer with Abfraction. The did the re-root canal 2 months ago and still the pain is there. At first I was worried that people would notice my missing tooth and my dentist told me that I can get an implant however do I need the implant ? My wisdom teeth were removed in college. Diplomate of the American Board of Oral Implantology /Implant Dentistry 2014 Apr;111(4):286-92. doi: 10.1016/j.prosdent.2013.10.004. Im thinking that would be #30. Dear all. It sounds like you had an underlying instruction causing the bad smell. Just looking for additional perspective. Hello Dr. Ramsey, Problem is that some years ago I had both of my upper premolars extracted for orthodontic treatment. The upper molars are fine but have had a filling a few years ago So I do need bone graft or implants( external things added to the body ) or leave it as is and extract the top molar if it starts coming down? You have to be very young in order for the wisdom tooth to drift into place of another molar. Journal of Arak University of Medical Sciences. If your bite is class 1 then likely no need. Are tooth implants safe to get? Should I get implants for the two lowers? My dentist said that the upper wisdom teeth were pushing my bite forward and thats why she extracted the tooth. Hi Dr. Amin Im not convinced since this started after the 3rd molar was removed. dental implant dentists root canal and zirconia crown if it can be saved! Your gums to swell. Conversely, if the UPPER second molar tooth was missing and the lower second molar was present, there is a lower chance of over-eruption of the lower second molar tooth in the upper direction. It sounds like you went to a good endodontist because they abandoned the root canal when they saw small crack. Relax for at least 24 hours after the extraction. When it comes to upper second molar extraction, there are a few things you should know. #17 is the lower left wisdom that does not need to be replaced. I dont want to go through the unnecessary cost, time and pain of having to implant again, do i really need to put a bone graft? I have chosen not to seek a titanium implant because of multiple concerns that I have about it. It was concluded that after a patient/dentist discussion regarding second-molar replacement, it is the patient's preference that usually dictates the decision. I need my last top right molar extracted. Now that #31 tooth has been extracted, my periodontist wants to check my bite in 3 months to see if I need to start wearing a retainer the rest of my life. Im 52, never had this much problem with any of my teeth before and it really has been a stressful time during all of this not to mention the anxiety. tooth 15 i dont feel any pain but tooth 30 aches badly im thinking of extracting it will extracting tooth 30 damage any other tooth ? Both of the teeth are starting to become painful and I would like to extract them. Im having a hard time adjusting to the missing tooth feels like the adjacent tooth (#14) is poking in my cheek or tongue at times and I catch myself sucking on it a lot? If I extract both, do I need to put in implants for both? I am assuming you are between 17 and 25 years of age. Im struggling to eat and its making my anxiety go through the roof as I try to save money for an implant on the left side where that bone graft is. Dentist said cracked through cannot do a root canal. What are your recommendations and what are the potential problems with either option? 8600 Rockville Pike There isnt really much to stop it from moving vertically but it looks like it has neared the upper gum. I cant find a good evidence base for botox and invisalign as a bruxism treatment. It sounds like you got a handle on alcoholism which really causes a lot of dental disease as well. Leave 18 as is unless you can correct it with braces Sorry, I believe Im missing #31,30 and 18,19 on the bottom jaw instead. The Cons of Tooth Extraction Infections Pits may form where the tooth was extracted in some patients. This will work great. 3 weeks ago I was in excruciating pain with #29 and had a root canal done. Im scared of future issues with bone graphs and infections . When I night down I have a small over bight and when my second molar is pushed back what does that mean? So my question is should I have root canal done first and hope everything is fine under crown? Her recommendation was to not redo the fillings as 1. Financially this will be hard but I can save for it. Dr. Amin, your blog is so straightforward, direct, and helpful. bone graft is done. This is due to the findings that most extrusion over time is minor and usually does not affect occlusal function; also, concerns about over-eruption can be managed in a preventive manner, and/or unopposed second molars can be monitored. The China Hustle: How to Spot the Scammers and Stop the Crime! Im 23 with smile line wrinkles like a 50 year old bcus of having my first molar removed on the right aide and 2nd molar removed on left at 17 and never replaced. I had molar 20 extracted more than 25 years ago and never had a replacement done. I have a fractured upper 2nd molar right (2) that my dentist recommends pulling; the lower 2nd molar (31) is intact and has the 3rd molar (32) intact as well, the only wisdom tooth left in my mouth. YES your teeth moved around a bit in order to accommodate the missing teeth. Thats what I would do . Im missing #2, 3 and 14, 15 but still have my wisdom teeth. How soon should I get this done? What happens if I do nothing? My son is 18. If yes . Nothing is really permanent including fillings, crowns, bridges etc. (Wish you were in IL). Over the last 10 years I have lost #18,# 31,#14, Upon X-ray, it showed a hole and caries not been fully cleaned according to the dentist(she is a young dentist serving her government bond) I would be extracting the upper last molar #27 as it was dead (irreversible pulpits with symptomatic AP). I really dont want get an implant because its very expensive and would need to save up. I dont want to mess it up or cause problems later by acting too soon or not acting soon enough. Some people have crowded teeth that compromise their smile. Do you think braces are necessary? This tooth almost always needs some type of socket bone graft and or internal or lateral sinus lift bone graft. Sometimes there are holistic dentist that make up strange procedures that have no scientific basis. So its either a partial or nothing. Part of why you are in great health is because you have 18 and 19!! I can email you my x ray if thats okay with you? Wisdom teeth removed years ago. I was planning to have an implant done. This is not totally uncommon. I did have a routine cleaning 2 weeks prior to the extraction and thats when my tooth hurt really bad that it was determined to be infected. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal Should it be removed with zimmer biomet.? . bone loss treatment options 5 years ago had a root canal and subsequent crown down on 3. I have the photo here: Sorry that dentistry has that you down ;-( Most people that have an implant will have it for a very long time with a very high success rate. November 13, 2022 i really used to like my smile, and i really want to get this fixed. I do have the money but if its not absolutely necessary. Will any other teeth move? Thank you for providing this very informative community dental forum. A bone graft was performed back then. I finished the antibiotic course yesterday and the pain remains. fixed bridges Avoid brushing directly over your extraction site until your dentist tells you it's safe to do so. In short, Ive been very fortunate. I hope this helps. Second, you need to think about what type of replacement options are available. I had all 4 wisdom teeth removed in high school. I have no pain or bleeding. Im curious what you would say to my situation. Unfortunately my bottom right molar #32 became week my gum is not holding on to it I tried to save it but at this point I will be removing it my concern is will my mouth feel crocked due to empty hole I was told I cannot get a bride due to position and and implant might hit a nerve by jaw if not done properly please help. I have crowns on the second molars both upper and bottom. Sir My 2nd molar extracted on 24 th October. I had teeth 30 and 31 extracted many years ago. Would there be any more risks to be considered compared to the implant surgery of a different tooth and not a wisdom tooth? He also said he was going to pull my wisdom and do bone grafting which he did immediately. Also if the lower second molar was extracted would I have any difficulty eating given that all my other teeth are still fine? Wait longer if it is in the front of the mouth. Thank you for any advice, Im tired of this pain. Angulation was assessed by measuring the angle between the long axis of the impacted third molar relative to the long axis of the second molar using orthodontic protractor. Opinions? Dental implants are elective so you do not have to do anything. Burbank dentists It seems that the filling didnt work out well for my tooth because nearly 3 weeks later I have a lot of pain. This week alone I treated to patients for full mouth implants in a matter of hours. Deep roots. I am 28 so may not but on the X-ray it did look likey wisdom tooth was impacted on my last molars root. I have an x-ray of the top and bottom teeth on that side of my mouth and how they meet. If it just needs a filling I would KEEP it! I can read the literature which supports the oral surgeons suggestions. 2011, June 16 -, Novkovic B. Finally, they will suture up the incision and provide you with detailed instructions for post-operative care. HI Jane this block is intended for people looking for dental implant advice not general dentistry. The part that bothers me the most is that my top midline has shifted a lot to the left. I was going to leave it without an implant, because they are so costly and take time, many appointments, to put in place but after reading this I should change my mind and have the implant, right? Isnt that what he spends the entire article discussing? This is ideal . Otherwise, my teeth are in good condition and straight. Sometimes the adjacent tooth may get a little sore in the healing process. at 39, your wife could statiscally be looking at another 46 years of life.. Thank you so much!!! My dentist said I have abscess on the gum(there is no discharge just a tiny bump) above my upper right 2nd molar. The root canal was not completed. Two weeks ago I had my upper second molar extracted. Hi , I am extremely sensitive to the changes in my body or surroundings. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted Fellow-American Academy of Implant Dentistry My last bottom molar is broken badly, its 70-80% gone, theres a big hole and its infected now. Please let me know. So an implant is absolutely necessary even if partial half-tooth contact still exists? I cannot remember all the details now. Im 48 female and both of my 2nd molars top and bottom have to be extracted due to infection and tooth decay. It is possible that the wisdom teeth could grow in their place. After antibiotics treatment If you do have periodontitis this could lead to the loss of all of your teeth having severe bone loss and facial changes like this.bone loss and facial changes like this. Thanks. ? They could also do more harm than good. I had to extract my 2nd lower molar (tooth 37). If I remove both, can I leave that space empty or do I need 2 implants? Not usually you probably have a bad bite. Just wanted to say Ive been guilty of doing these same habits over the past few years since a gap was created in my upper molars a few years back. Or both? Is that a common occurrence? And do I need to get an implant or can I just leave that space empty? Will implant last long enough. I am 46 years old. B.) and we decided not to put one. Feel free to use this one for responding.). 2023 - Know How Community. Hello Dr. Ramsey, I appreciate the knowledge that you share with us. I wish I had the time to personally look x-rays at the 100s of messages I receive daily. A low-cost denture can cost $300 to $500 for one arch or approximately up to $1000 for a complete set. The endo said the nerves in the tooth were dead but the ligaments were still alive. I am a 57 year old male who had the #15 upper molar extracted several months ago. You will probably need some form of bone widening. Hi Dr Ramsey, The data indicated that replacing a second molar provides some increased masticatory performance, but first-molar occlusion facilitates 90% chewing efficiency. I had painful TMJ issues back in the 80s; open-joint surgery was recommended, but I managed to avoid it by having 6 months of neuromuscular therapy in 1992, which successfully eliminated my jaw pain and extreme head tension. Even though you will be fine in the short-term, as you age your jaw will collapse and change. But it is making me sick and fatigue. This includes the abutment and crown as well. What should I do? Nothing needs to be done any differently than a standard extraction. This is like giving them a nudge to wake up! . Maybe you have pockets and periodontal disease? Was only told by the dentist after crown was made that my tooth was too short and crown will highly likely dislodge again. Im 33 years old and I hadnt been to the dentist in several years due to phobia, depression & alcoholism. A single tooth extraction can be $75-$200 for a simple tooth-pulling that doesn't require surgical extraction (e.g. Dr Ramsey: I had my second maxillary molar removed four years ago.

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