Safety comparisons Barcelona vs London. Aside from the occasional thief, Barcelona is really fun, friendly and easy to visit, regardless if youre alone or with a group. It is sort of biting the hand that feeds them situation. Answer (1 of 6): Depends on how you define it. That being said, the water is not GREAT in terms of taste. 14 Top Safety Tips for Traveling to Barcelona. Broken down by district, the victims and crimes were mostly concentrated in Ciutat Vella, which reported more than 10 points of difference compared to the average for Barcelona. These indications were very useful in not underestimating anything. 3) Hammersmith and Fulham- 118.69 crimes per 1000 (21,789 total) The violent crime rate in the United States has decreased sharply over the past 25 years. Homicides in the United States reached 149 for the first time in a decade as of December 31, 2019. Moreover, there were 122 crimes per 100 inhabitants in this district. But ultimately, Barcelona is a cool city and an awesome place to live! Just find someawesome accommodation for you and your family(trust us: theres plenty of that). When it comes to interacting with the locals, honestly, the worst that you should expect is a rude Barcelonan whos simply sick and tired of tourists. Source: city's official stats, 2023. Barcelona City Councils Victimisation Survey asks residents how they perceive the level of safety in the city and the crimes from which they have suffered. The metro is good to take kids on, even with pushchairs and prams. I recently drove around parts of Western Europe, Portugal, France, Switzerland, Italy and Spain. vs. Athens. But there ARE a few problems with Barcelona. Unknown. However, assuming the higher figure of 134 murders as correct, the murder rate for London for 2018 is 1.52 per 100,000 population. In March, the UK capital had slightly more murders than New York (22 to 21), so this could all change in April. According to reports, 2019 was London's bloodiest year since more than a decade, with a record number of 143 people killed. Use the discount code BROKEBACKPACKER for a $10 discount. I have lived in Barcelona for over 10 years and never had a problem. They offer simple & flexible travel insurance, and safety advice to help you travel confidently. Here, you will find safety knowledge and advice for travelling Barcelona. If you see any outdated information in this guide, we would really appreciate it if you could reach out in the comments below. Here youll find beaches, cultural attractions, history, and more than enough to keep you busy for a lifetime. Read about how e-Sims work or click below to see one of the top eSIM providers on the market andditch the plastic. More bike paths gives more opportunities for cyclist, makes a city more eco friendly and helps to reduce traffic jams. Overall Rating. The top reasons why victims did not report crimes were their belief that the police cannot do much about them, the complicated process of filing a report and a lack of trust in the criminal justice system. We can therefore see that New York's murder rate was actually more than twice than that of London's. The situation for 2019 shows an even starker difference in murders than 2018. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Residents of Barcelona are worried the city will lose its identity amidstthrongs of tourists. But this article is written for savvy travellers from the perspective of savvy travellers. Amsterdam saw 19 murders in 2016 but has a smaller population than the rest of the cities with 813,000 people within the city's limits. Valid assessments are possible only with careful study and analysis of the range of unique conditions affecting each local law enforcement jurisdiction.. The streets dont seem to be safer anymore like i visited in 2014,2015,2016.. in all corners are some shady guys standing and scanning the tourists. While one was grabbing his watch the others took what they could from his pockets stealing his phone a credit card and some cash. (Insider Tips). Compared to the national crime rate, London's crime rate is at 78%. The Commuter Pain Index is comprised of 10 issues: 1) commuting time, 2) time stuck in traffic, agreement that: 3) price of gas is already too high, 4) traffic has gotten worse, 5) start-stop traffic is a problem, 6) driving causes stress, 7) driving causes anger, 8) traffic affects work, 9) traffic so bad driving stopped, and 10) decided not to make trip due to traffic. More crimes or attempts were committed in busy streets (21.5%) than in streets with few people (9.9%). Some countries had limited data on homicides and murders. City Crime Index; Prague, Czech Republic: 24.09: London, United Kingdom: 53.27: Barcelona, Spain: 47.14: Where is the highest crime rate in Spain? It remains to be seen whether the upwards trend of crime in London remains and if New York's efforts to reduce homicides work. The FBI cautions against comparing cities against each other, since the basic figures rarely take into account the complex local factors at play. I've been in Barcelona many times and nothing bad has ever happened to me. Don't walk home alone, don't look like a tourist and if you are very drunk take a cab straight to your hotel. Most of the times people just want to scam you rather than actually robbing you, especially in La Rambla, but be careful anyways. 22. level 2. Is your phone eSIM ready? The best thing to do here is to pay attention to your surroundings. Source:, 2023, An indicator of how worried people are about having their home broken into, with 1 being not worried and 10 being very worried. Just make sure you use an officialtaxi because getting in an unlicensed one is not only unsafe, its also COSTLY. Vale Castellano (Spain Spanish) way of saying okay. Great opportunities to study and work. The historic centre of Barcelona has the highest crime rate in Catalonia: 40 crimes per 100 inhabitants in 2016, from an analysis of the Mossos d'Esquadra (Catalan police) data. 29.4 annual crime rate per 1k workday people 78% I was aware of the petty theft before coming and had heard many stories regarding pick pocketing and theft of watches and jewellery in particular in las Ramblas. I would say it is worse like paris there were many sketchy people that you should avoid and you should better be in a group instead walking alone. Tourism is usually a major source of income of a city. Cities or countries with high population densities can be considered overpopulated, which can be a problem if the infrastructure is underdeveloped. Explore: Quality of Life in Barcelona People asking me for money, is the worst that happened to me, but they are not violent or anything like that if you refuse to give them money. Sources: Wikipedia, CIA World Factbook, 2023. Source:, 2023, An indicator of how safe people feel walking alone in the city during the day, with 1 being very unsafe and 10 being very safe. Published Chat with your host before you arrive to have a soft landing and then experience your destination differently! For that matter, theres a BIG problem with petty theft. As my boyfriend begins running after them, the thief with my phone throws the phone to his friend and they split up separate ways. Probably from haters. Safety is a major concern nowadays. Theres a high chance theyll get stolen from you. Be a part of the solution and travel with a filter water bottle. 8% in London against approx. I am annoyed that people claim that being smart with prevent this. I consent to my personal information being processed in accordance with The Broke Backpackers. Since 2015, the city council has decided to go greener, and support this way of transportation to reduce CO2 emissions. That translates to a rate of 1.54 homicides per 100,000 people. (London). 6.3C higher average maximum temperature? I cannot believe how our politicians allow this to happen. If the value is 0, it means it is perceived as very low, and if the value is 100, it means it is perceived as very high. Last year, The Met Police recorded 130 murders in London. Nothing odd or fancy about this one. An indicator of how safe people feel walking alone in the city during the night, with 1 being very unsafe and 10 being very safe. Low unemployment rate indicates better career opportunities and economic growth. Double check to see that the meter ON and that the driver isnt driving around aimlessly trying to rack that meter up. The chase lasted for 30 mins. Populous cities or countries usually offer better employment opportunities because of their large economies. If you want ultimate protection, get a discrete. Its easy to see how the city has beenaffected by tourism. The largest US city New York had a relatively low murder rate of just 3.4 murders per 100,000 residents. Violent crimes in London are 23% higher than the national average. Teleport helps you find your best place to live and work. With increased crowds have brought increased crime. BUT the hassle is actually not too badin Barcelona. With more large sports facilities (20,000+ seats), a city is able to organize more important sporting events. Barcelona is as safe as it gets for tourists in a popular European city. There are almost 9 million Londoners, compared to the 1.6M Barcelona inhabitants. The government does not do anything and they victimize the collective. This page is currently only available in English. crime rate barcelona vs london field club membership fees pricesmart costa rica orange belgium data plans jefferson county election candidates 2022 gregory villemin theories doordash driver search Sydney is a powerful business theme that provides a fast way for companies or freelancers to create an awesome online presence. To help improve your lone wold experience, here are a couple of things to keep in mind: So whilst theres this problem ofpetty theftin Barcelona, theres also the problem thatpretty muchEVERY solo traveller faces: getting lonely. This city is out of control. If you feel like theyve. Therefore, with the attention of the case, we read the various safety suggestions indicated by the expert travelers and by the local consulates, becoming aware that in a large city, with more than 1,500,000 inhabitants, care must be taken in all situations. ), here are some tips to help you out. It's really not. Buy an AMK Travel Medical Kit before you head out on your next adventure dont be daft! Buy a Geopress: its the last water bottle youll ever buy. There were another cars which were broken into as well. It is a safe and beautiful place in my opinion. Manage Settings Can you help me, please? Forensics teams work at the scene of a stabbing in Edmonton, London, on March 31, 2019. branded the London mayor a stone cold loser. Source: Wikipedia, 2023; city's official stats, 2023. Again, thank you! Source: Wikipedia, 2023. The 2017 figures include those killed in the London Bridge terror attack in June that year. Now let me start off by saying that Barcelona has lots of great things: the Sagrada Familia is a marvel, there are fantastic museums, and the city is filled with quirky sights. Despite the crowds, tourists, pickpockets, demonstrations whatever Barcelona is safe. But petty crime is a MAJOR problem in Barcelona. There is no such thing as a perfect safety guide, and this article is no different. Italy's national stats institute (ISTAT) recorded 21 murders in Rome in 2016 (data for 2017 was not yet available) with 84 homicides taking place in total. Spain's crime rate is 18% . Source:, 2023, The average cost of monthly basic utilities (electricity, heating, cooling, water, and garbage) for an 85m2 apartment. Source: Wikipedia, 2023. One thing youll have to do ismake suretheyre covered up as the sun can get BRUTAL in Barcelona. If you decide to visit be careful (whether it's daytime or nighttime) with any Moroccan youngster you see from afar, because they are violent criminals anD they will not doubt stabbing you in the leg or beating you up just to steal your phone. Was in Barcelona for a month and witnessed 4 muggings and was beaten by 3 men outside a club. Tourists have been putting so much strain on local living that the government has been trying to curbit and dilute the crowds intolesser known neighbourhoods. UNLESS youre thinking of heading out on a day tripout of the city,driving aroundIN the city just isnt a great option. If it smells a bit weird or tastes a little bit, either, If youre out and about looking for food from a local vendor, make sure to avoid things that look as though they have been, Whilst many of the tourists are concentrated around the, If youve got something minor, just head to one of the many. This city is infested with migrant youngsters from magreb (algeria and marocco) that rape, rob women, people with disabilities, gay and elderly. Some called into question the viability of comparing the two cities in this . Thebike lanesare actually pretty goodas well. 2021: 4 th . Things go wrong on the road ALL THE TIME. The cost of living in Barcelona is 46% less expensive than in London.Cities ranked 2776th and 65th ($1487 vs $2759) in the list of the most expensive cities in the world and ranked 2nd and 2nd in Spain and the United Kingdom, respectively.Check Spain vs the United Kingdom comparison.. The cobbled streets and sometimescrazy trafficofCiuttat Vellacan be a bit tricky to navigate. Amsterdam vs. London: a comparison of two capitals Freya Sawbridge July 22, 2022 Two renowned yet completely different cities separated by the North Sea. appreciated. I would say we were followed and watched for that moment when vigilance is not there. 9:40 AM EDT, Tue June 18, 2019. However, attacks on businesses did not even top 1%. If someone who thinks of traveling reads this may be of interest. There are mountains at a distance of maximum 100 kilometers (62 miles) from the city. London has a much lower unemployment rate (approx. In 2017, the number of homicides was slightly higher at 140 incidents a homicide rate of 1.59 per 100,000 residents. Nobody saw it happen!!! and looks like an actual belt. We strive to provide the most relevant travel information on the web and always appreciate input from our readers (nicely, please!). Did you encounter any technical issues? The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. All youll need to do here is stay vigilant anduse your common sense. Source: Wikipedia, 2023; city's public transport website, 2023. Worldpackers trips are insured! All you have to do is keep a stash of cash in your money belt and thats it. Crime rates in the Big Apple have generally been in decline in recent years the citys homicide rate hit a historic low in 2017. Yes, London is far more expensive to live, but the average wage is also a lot higher. Source: Wikipedia, 2023; city's official stats, 2023. I placed my bag between my legs while sitting down in a shop. keep a safe distance from driving cars they might not see you coming! But only if you follow the rules and wear a helmet. The city has its share of problems, but it's definitely a very safe place. Source: Wikipedia, 2023. Art, architecture, history, and culture; four reasons to visit Barcelona. Source:, 2023, An indicator of how worried people are about having their car stolen, with 1 being not worried and 10 being very worried. Four people were murdered across London over the weekend, according to the citys Metropolitan Police. You can befinedup to 600 Euros for using an unlicensed taxi service. And a bit, Weve already mentioned that Barcelona has some amazing hostels and that staying in a good one is a good way to ensure your well-being. The sphere where the most crimes are committed, according to the survey respondents, is that of personal safety, which has risen from 12.1% to 18.5% in the last five years. Two of my friends got robbed (not pickpocked, robbed) and got their phone and some jewels stolen in two different parts of the city. vs. London. Theyre easy to spot; just look for the black with yellow stripes. Watch out for the muslims in barcelona, its pretty much little syria here. We mean, how are your pockets going to get picked if theres nothing in your pockets to pick in the first place? Lower income inequalities indicate a more equal distribution of wealth and better opportunities for the average citizen. Cost of the monthly public transport ticket indicates affordability of public transportation for an average inhabitant. Terms of Use and For the first time in modern history, the murder rate in London surpassed New York's in February and March 2018, a new report suggested. And, you guessed it, petty theft makes up the majority of that. I have lived in Barcelona for 8 years and right now any statistics from previous years don't count at all. When youre on the metro or on the beach, And did you know that Barcelona is actually home to, If youre with children, theyre not allowed to sit in the front seat unless theyre above, You also are NOT allowed to use your phone, be aware of your surroundings at all time, indicate if you want to take a turn and have lights attached to your bicycle, dont drive on the sidewalk these are for people on foot. Barcelona ispretty muchawonderlandfor families. All the things that make Uberso goodeverywhere else apply here. Plus, get3 free months on your membership during their summer promo! Basically, Barcelona is a great place to take your children. At the end of the day, Spain is one of Europes safest countries and Barcelona is still one of the most desirable cities on this continent. It's safe to say that Barcelona has seen better days. On public transport, in shops, restaurants Is it Safe to Visit Barcelona Right Now? The overall crime rate in the United States is 47.70. You can find them attaxi ranksor you can just hail them in the street. He is a stone cold loser who should focus on crime in London, not me. Trump tweeted. Enjoy your travels! In 2021, the London crime rate was 100 per 1,000. Universities, as centers of higher education and research, are important contributions to a citys development. With rave reviews about both, it can be difficult to choose between them. We didnt have any valuables inside thanks God, just 10 sunglasses which were taken of course. The Gini coefficient is a measure of dispersion, in this case used to show the variation in income. Source: UNESCO, 2023. The number of international embassies indicates the importance of a city for political, diplomatic and lobbying issues. Honestly! The police were kind, but Im being made well aware that this happens all the time and its a shame because its a beautiful city. For sure. Source: Wikipedia, 2023. Source: World Tourism Organization, 2023. Source: Wikipedia, 2023; city's official website, 2023. As the Big Apple's crime rate dropped, London's soared due to a spate of stabbings. The situation is completely different in the city centre (El Raval and Barrio Gotico), La Barceloneta, and some peripheral districts. I just got my gold-chain pulled off my neck by a thief. There's a lot of robbers based in the city at the moment due to the lack of control of illegally occupied homes. And even MORE so at busy times, like rush hour. It's also usually connected with better night life and dating possibilities. I have to say that i was visiting Barcelona very often previous years. Source: Wikipedia, 2023. Source:, 2023, An indicator of how drinkable the tap water is, with 1 being not drinkable and 10 being very drinkable. Theres nothing that, as a woman, is stopping you from seeing Barcelona alone. Many people in Barcelona are happy to ignore the security problem. In their homelands they just lapidate the "unhonourable" people.They do not learn anything from the country that gives them a chance at having a better life. Its one hell of a place. Our advice to you would be to simply travel smart avoid massive crowds, deserted streets at night, and anywhere else that might make you an easy target. 21.7% in Barcelona). The most frequent type of attack against personal safety was the theft or attempted theft of the victims bag or wallet. King's College in London is located in the west portion of city. The only thing to worry about with Uber is that it has a bit of anon-off relationshipwith the authorities in Barcelona. The city has a similar population to Berlin of around 3.2 million inhabitants. That being said,bad stuff can happen anywhere in the world and women, unfortunately, are often more targeted than men. Public health care is more affordable for an average citizen and usually guaranteed for everyone. Population density shows how cramped or spread out inhabitants are. . Level of crime 51.54 Moderate; Problem people using or dealing drugs: 56.66: Moderate: Problem property crimes such as vandalism and theft: 59.10:. That being said, you can get by pretty much anywhere if you know Spanish, and you wont have any trouble getting around Barcelona, Madrid, or other touristic areas only knowing English. vs. Barcelona. With that in mind, here are some of our top tips for solo female travellers in Barcelona, so you can have an AWESOME time with less of the stress. All other items i carried in a bag on the front of me. There are ALL SORTS of things to explore if youre visiting Barcelona with children in tow. Every day, Barcelona receives an unfathomable amount of tourists and sometimes theres no stopping them. The Barcelona government does NOT want people using unlicensed taxis (clearly). Police dont do sht. User reviews. Youre connected. I got in a taxi but he refused to take me when we were surrounded by the gang who literally blocked every exit around us. All theGaudiarchitecture, all the beauty of theGothic Quarter,the hipster-friendly hostels, the endless shops ofLas Ramblas; we totally understand why anybody would want to visit. There are many, many sides of Barcelona that deserve to be seen. Just look for thegreen lighton top. Source: Wikipedia, 2023; UNData, 2023. While its currently no Basque Independence Movement (and we hope it never becomes like this) you never know when it comes to Spanish politics. The 1990s were when residents felt safest. According to the British university ranking, the most crime-laden city in London is King's College. And in Barcelona because of all the petty theft theres certainly a chancethat you could be a victim of a simple robbery. The Latin American city has a population of over three million inhabitants that's a homicide rate of over 100% per 100,000 inhabitants. 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