rehab acronym fema

SAD Southern Area District 2) Department of Veteran's Affairs ADIS Arrival and Departure Information System Performance & security by Cloudflare. NEOC National Emergency Operations Center 3) Cumulative Trauma Disorder GPL 1) General Population Level GRP Grant Reporting Portal RRF Regional Response Force SUM Software User's Manual NFDA 1) National Flood Determination Association FRID Flood Risk Directory 2) Rich Text Format TSB 1) Technical Services Branch NRP National Response Plan Review and approve the Medical Plan. ODBC Open Database Connectivity WSR Weather Surveillance Radar 2) Community Relations FEHB Federal Employees Health Benefits LEA 1) Law Enforcement Agency 2) Preliminary Damage Assessment REMS Remote Environmental Monitoring System VERA Voluntary Early Retirement Authority 2) Technical Assistance Rate it: REHAB: REHABilitated. HMMWV Highly Mobile Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle LRMP Long Range Management Plan RIF Reduction-in-Force REAC/TS Radiological (or Radiation) Emergency Assistance Center - Training Site NIRT Nuclear Incident Response Team MDD Metal Detection Device BSPP Broadcast Station Protection Program A comprehensive recovery acronym list full of treatment acronyms and rehab acronyms to help understand the language of addiction professionals. 2) Defense Communications Agency 3) Security Through Advanced Research & Technology (NY State Program) Abbreviations are shortened forms for written words or phrases used in a place of the whole (e.g., vol for volume). 2) Information Resources Center MOM 1) Maximum of Maximums CONPLAN 1) Concept of Operations Plan EMS 1) Emergency Management Specialist LOI 1) Letter of Intent FLS Flood Statement ECSAP Electronic Crimes Special Agent Program EACG Eastern Area Coordinating Group ESF 04 Firefighting OLA Office of Legislative Affairs 5) Crisis Action Center GDSS Global Decision Support System OCHAMPUS Office of Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services KD Knocked Down CICG Critical Infrastructure Coordination Group MSL Mean Sea Level TWA Time Weighted Average NCSLLET National Center for State & Local Law Enforcement Training, Advisory Committee to the MLOS Microwave Line-of-Sight RFO 1) Ready For Occupancy 3) Regional Disaster Office HS 1) Homeland Security 2) House of Representatives WITS Washington Interagency Telecommunications System DONAT Donation(s) pulmonary rehabilitation has been shown to improve exercise capacity, reduce dyspnea, and improve quality of life in both stable copd and after an exacerbation. 3) Special Access Required For areas of alluvial fan flooding, velocities are also determined NRO National Reconnaissance Office QBO Quasi-Biennial Oscillation NECN National Emergency Communications Network RAPS Refugees, Asylum and Parole System (DHS program, affiliated with CIS) CGFAA Cerro Grande Fire Assistance Act 2) Chief of Field Operations USACOM United States Atlantic Command (obsolete; se USJFCOM) C&C Components and Cladding HQDA Headquarters, Department of the Army TBA 1) To Be Announced NAAP Newport Army Ammunition Plant (obsolete) ED 1) [Department of] Education 2) Programmatic Agreement DAEO Designated Agency Ethics Officer 3) Geo-Stationary NCLIS National Commission on Libraries and Information Science Acronyms are words formed from the initial letter of each of the successive parts or major parts of a compound term (e.g., CBC for complete blood count). BGCA Blue Grass Chemical Activity ERB Economic Resources Board AHJ Agency Having Jurisdiction RMSE Root Mean Square Error HSAC Homeland Security Advisory Council CFS 1) Certified Fraud Specialists, Association of ETJ Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (Limits) OVP Office of the Vice President HDD Heating Degree Days 3) Word Processing 2) Control Point 2) Designated Market Area WMA Washington Metropolitan Area COMREL Community Relations PSGP Port Security Grant Program WARNO Warning Order 3) Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency TMS 1) Training Management System CPC Climate Prediction Center The list of 104 Rehab acronyms and abbreviations (December 2022): 50 Categories. CEMA Consumer Electronics Manufacturers Association NS/EPC National Security and Emergency Preparedness Communications, Committee for 2) Protective Security Division Licensed Vocational Nurse Hiring for day and night shift! DNR Department of Natural Resources GB Gigabyte IE Initial Elevation (Line) CI/KR Critical Infrastructure/Key Resources 3) Congressional Relations LTR Long Term Recovery 2) Postal Rate Commission DRF 1) Disaster Relief Fund Acronym that stands for Lookouts, Communications, Escape routes, and Safety zones . B&SA Bureau and Statistical Agent (NFIP) GAO General Accounting Office U.S. Department of Homeland Security Federal Emergency Management Agency FEMA Acronyms Abbreviations and Terms The FAAT List is not designed to be an authoritative source, merely DARCOM Development And Readiness Command CED Committee for Economic Development 2) Flood Potential Outlook 2) Over and Above 3) Tropical Storm FGCC Federal Geodetic Coordinating Committee 3) Applicant Assistance IBC International Broadcast Center DOD or DoD Department of Defense ABCO Automated Billing & Collection Offsets NMAB National Materials Advisory Board NDEC National Disaster Education Coalition ORNL Oak Ridge National Laboratory 2) Original Classification Authority 2) Transition Planning Office DIFAX Digital Facsimile 2) Mortgage Bankers Association NACS NEMIS Access Control System ER 1) Emergency Relief DPA 1) Deepwater Ports Act health monument care city rapid patients hospital will medical httpsmonumenthealthwp list said time patient value clinic medicine award caregivers width weight aria data covid providers community stylefont styletext services family spearfish doctors system also align full nursing daisy help south hospitals program dakota nameinput heart nurse . CASU Centralized Administrative Services Unit DFSR Disaster Financial Status Report MARSA Military Assumes Responsibility for Separation of Aircraft NSI 1) National Security Information BWC Biological Weapons Convention 2) Tactical Operations Center RADNUC Radiological/ Nuclear Enforcement NIEHS National Institute of Environmental Health Services ECCS Emergency Core Cooling System CCL Contamination Control Line MIFC Maritime Intelligence Fusion Center INPO Institute for Nuclear Power Operations PCT 1) Polk County Transit (Florida) SECDHS Secretary, Department of Homeland Security VAERS Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System NEET National Exercise Evaluation Team USTR United States Trade Representative Office SCAT 1) Security Control of Air Traffic 2) Cross-Disaster Database 2) Recovery Center TAC 1) Technical Advisory Committee UPC Universal Product Code RTF 1) Response Task Force QTF Quantitative Temperature Forecast CWU Church World United ECT 1) Emergency Coordinating Team CNN Cable News Network ISIP Initial Strategy Implementation Plan JSOTF Joint Special Operations Task Force MCOC Marine Corps Operations Center TIMACS Telecommunications Inventory Management and Control System This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. NICC National Interagency Coordination Center NFDC National Fire Data Center LFEOC Local Federal Emergency Operations Center MDA Maritime Domain Awareness 309 ( 5152) Use and Coordination of Relief Organizations CTOC Containerized Tactical Operations Center HERN Hospital Emergency Radio Network 2) metric ton NFIC National Fire Information Council 2) Public Law (also abbreviated as P.L.) 2) After action Review mRem millirem ERT-A Emergency Response Team - Advance Element ASSET Advanced Simulation and Software Engineering Technology 2) FEMA Storage Center ORD 1) Office of the Regional Director EAO 1) Emergency Action Officer Please electronically forward your input or direct your questions to: 2) Studies, Training, Analysis, and Research 5) Area Command Post IAE Integrated Acquisition Environment (eGovernment Initiative) NWC National Warning Center BEEF Big Explosive Experimental Facility SFIP Standard Flood Insurance Policy I-STAFF DHS Headquarters Operational Integration Staff TSCO Top Secret Control Officer FMO Fire Management Officer 2) Pressurized Water Reactor TROR Treasury Report on Receivables SC 1) Section Chief NSSFC National Severe Storms Forecast Center BPS Bits Per Second DLG-3 Digital Line Graph Level 3 ANPSC Alternate National Processing Service Center 2) Emergency Medical Technician 2) deoxyribonucleic acid 3) Time and Attendance AMO Air and Marine Operations 2SR. 3) Intelligence Community FSAR Final Safety Analysis Report IAFF International Association of Fire Fighters ESF 02 Communications HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act 3) Climate Analysis Center 2) Field Reference ASMRO Armed Services Medical Regulating Office USACMDA United States Army Chemical Material Destruction Agency CRT Complex Rehab Technology. DTRIM Domestic Threat Reduction and Incident Management COD Cash On Delivery FTO Foreign Terrorist Organizations FLEX Federal or FEMA Leadership Exercise 4) District Attorney 6) Internet Service Provider ESF 05 Emergency Management LEOC Local Emergency Operations Center SAIC 1) Science Applications International Corporation AELT Aeromedical Evacuation Liaison Team MASH Mobile Army Surgical Hospital MFAS Marriage Fraud Amendment System HRCQ Highway Route Controlled Quantity GOSC Global Operations Security Center BENT SPEAR Nuclear Incident (codeword) PDM Pre-Disaster Mitigation (including Grant Program) RPO Regional Project Officer ASU All-Source Situational Understanding ESF 08 Public Health and Medical Services CMAA Customs Mutual Assistance Agreement (affiliated with BTS/CBP) NFIF National Flood Insurance Fund 2) Non-Intrusive Inspection Phase Vocorder Analysis data. OPDAT Overseas Prosecutorial Development, Assistance and Training CID Criminal Investigation Division or Department, Community Identification REDAM Radiological Emergency Dose Assessment Model CEPAP Cost Estimating for the Public Assistance Program, Expert Panel on 2) Federal Center Plaza PIF Policies In Force HSPD Homeland Security Presidential Directive NECD Newport Chemical Depot AAA (sometimes referred to as "triple-A") = Area Agency on Aging [DAIL]. Purpose of Your Job Position. JMMO Joint Medical Mobilization Office CTP Cooperating Technical Partners (Initiative) 2) Alternate Care Facility USTRANSCOM United States Transportation Command PLA Principal Legal Advisor JEEP Joint Emergency Evacuation Plan TACACS Terminal Access Controller Access Control System 2) Mobile Analytical Response System ISMA International Security Management Association DHC Disaster Housing Checkwriter FPS Federal Protective Service NIMA National Imagery and Mapping Agency (see NGA) 3) Red Cross (also ARC) 3) Emergency Management Division REHAB Meaning Abbreviations Common. JTF-CS Joint Task Force - Civil Support BIWG Bilateral Interdiction Working Group MATTS Mobile Air Transportable Telecommunications System P&D Production and Development ISACA Information Systems Audit and Control Association TEU Technical Escort Unit BOR Bureau of Reclamation LERN Law Enforcement Radio Net IH 1) Inhalation IIT Incident Investigation Team HARTline Hillsborough Area Regional Transit Authority (Florida) Whether the result of overflowing rivers, flash flooding or even urban flooding caused by poor drainage, flooding is a serious issue in California. 2) Built-In Test 2) Navigation Processor DSCA Defense Support to Civil Authority FISA Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act CRWG Crisis Response Working Group DMI Disaster Management Interoperability ANL Argonne National Laboratory EMD 1) Electronic Monitoring Device 2) Aviation Security Program RSTA Reconnaissance, Surveillance, and Target Acquisitions MEL Mobile-Erector Launcher AWRA American Water Resources Association SARDA State Airborne Reconnaissance for Damage Assessment CONOPS Concept of Operations RNAT Rapid Needs Assessment Team You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. CBDCOM Chemical and Biological Defense Command (obsolete; see SBCCOM) LIHEAP Low Income Household Energy Assistance Program PSB Planning Support Branch R.I.C.E. CRM Crisis (or Communications) Resource Manager SAME Specific Area Message Encoding SECHHS Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services NARS National Archives and Records Service NCAR National Center for Atmospheric Research RCAC Red Cross Assistance Center OFF Offshore Forecast NEFSMA New England Floodplain and Stormwater Managers Association EAR Emergency Alert Radio MIACC Major Industrial Accidents Council of Canada 4) Approval Authority HAI Human Affairs International 3) Environmental Officer DMSS Defense Medical Surveillance System 2) Personal Protective Equipment OCA 1) Office of Congressional Affairs NCSD National Cyber Security Division CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (aka "Superfund") MOU Memorandum of Understanding PN 1) Part Number NCDDM National Center for Disaster Decision Making 3) Information Analysis CBCF Cross Border Crime Forum 2) American Automobile Association SHMP State Hazard Mitigation Program NRC 1) National Records Center RNA Rapid Needs Assessment MIPR Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request COW Cellular-On-Wheels ICMOP Integrated CONUS Medical Operations Plan DHUD Department of Housing and Urban Development (also HUD) NMRS National Medical Response System PHS Public Health Service HURCON Hurricane Condition VMAS Vertical Map Accuracy Standard CCA Comprehensive Cooperative Agreement (obsolete; see CA) OPERIOD Operational Period NLRA National Labor Relations Authority ICISF International Critical Incident Stress Foundation NACCHO National Association of County and City Health Officials 2) Post Meridiem POR Point(s) of Review 2) Emergency Transportation Center METOC Meteorological and Oceanographic TPFDL Time-Phased Force Deployment List EMP Electromagnetic Pulse RMTO Resources Management Transformation Office IWP Integrated Warning Program FIPS 1) Federal Information Processing Standards (Code) 3) Agency Collection Officer We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate comment while navigating through our website please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. ACV Actual Cash Value RCDCB Regional Civil Defense Coordinating Board RSPA Research and Special Programs Administration IBAD Interim Biological Agent Detector IMSuRT International Medical Surgical Response Team IDP Imagery-Derived Product AECB Atomic Energy and Control Board 6) Community Action Program AOV Agency Owned Vehicle MRT Medical Response Team SPEGL Short-term Public Emergency Guidance Level 613 ( 5196b) Contributions for Personnel and Administrative Expenses ITM Inspection Transfer Manager CAMDS Chemical Agent Munition Disposal System MRF Medium Range Forecast PTI 1) Positive Threat Identification COOP Continuity of Operations 4) Intensive Supervision Program CEU Compliance Enforcement Unit Cloudflare Ray ID: 78bb64b4aa809fbc NSPD National Security Presidential Directive Read and write the English language including medical terminology and abbreviations. CADET Computer-Assisted Design for Exercise Training AT/FP Antiterrorism & Force Protection USACBDC United States Army Chemical and Biological Defense Command Help us improve CareerBuilder by providing feedback about this job: Report this job Job ID: 2401872314. LPN Licensed Practical Nurse IEP Ingestion Exposure Pathway CHG Change ROSS Resource Ordering and Status System IIFC Information/Intelligence Fusion Center ALPA Airline Pilots Association 203 ( 5133) Predisaster Hazard Mitigation MO 1) Medical Officer OCDETF Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force POLREP Pollution Report OCGFC Office of Cerro Grande Fire Claims EMERCOM Emergency Command 2) Federal Maritime Commission ASR Aquifer Storage Recovery 3) Critical Design Review Note: This class does not cover all acronyms and terms. 2) Library of Congress SON Statement of Need Greens of Spruce Pine is a Long Term Care facility that provides individualized quality care and rehab to our . AMBUS Ambulance Bus COTS Commercial Off-The-Shelf . HOTMAC High Order Turbulence Model for Atmospheric Circulation 3) Automated Export System AEW Airborne Early Warning AF 1) Acre Feet . DGN Design (File) CTF Combined Task Force ABNCP Airborne Command Post 2) Customs Cybersmuggling Center 2) Homeland Security 101 ( 5121) Findings and Declarations 3) National Iranian American Council AEC 1) Agency Emergency Coordinator(s) ABO Agents of Biological Origin EACC Eastern Area Coordination Center NGO Non-Governmental Organization MOOTW Military Operations Other Than War DCAS Document Control and Accountability System AAAE American Association of Airport Executives FMDC Flood Map Distribution Center NEIC National Earthquake Information Center OTR Office of Trade Relations PC Personal Computer 3) Disaster Response EBS Emergency Broadcast System (obsolete, see EAS) ERT-N-NCR National Emergency Response Team for the National Capital Region Medical Charting Symbols And Definitions. PRS Primary Receiving Site OAS 1) Office of Administrative Support USDOI United States Department of the Interior DPAO 1) Deputy Public Affairs Officer 2) Computer-Aided Manufacturing IRS Internal Revenue Service MAS Mapping Activity Statement FEMA NATIONAL US&R RESPONSE SYSTEM STRUCTURAL COLLAPSE TECHNICIAN 02-00 MODULE 1b - SAFETY SM 1B 4 SAFETY PLANNING The multi-hazard safety plan is a guide to the basic elements of safety for a variety of incidents. QA/QC Quality Assurance/Quality Control 2) Medical Support Unit CAE Command Assessment Element (for CBIRF) FRERP Federal Radiological Emergency Response Plan SERL III Secondary event requiring limited local resource augmentation and limited predeployment of US Government assets STOC Sniper Tactical Operations Center FBIIC Financial and Banking Information Infrastructure Committee NNSA National Nuclear Security Administration 2) Operations Support LOSA Logistical Operations Staging Area DFTO Disaster Field Training Office (or Organization) NAWAS/BCC National Warning System Bridge and Conference Controller 2) Consultation Coordination Officer 313 ( 5156) Standards and Reviews RM 1) Risk Management MAFFS Modular Airborne Fire Fighting System Rehab.Retrieved January 12, 2023, from 3) Disaster Mitigation Act BCC Border Crossing Cards IAA Interagency Agreement PUP Principal User Processor PSIG Pounds per Square Inch Gauge 2) Preferred Risk Policy 3)yCommunity Map Action (Form) IRI Industrial Research Institute CTOEM Connecticut Office of Emergency Management eMerge2 electronically Managing enterprise resources for government effectiveness and efficiency 3) Annual Letter of Certification NAILS National Automated Immigration Lookout System CSPI Critical Systems Protection Initiative NYCOEM New York City Office of Emergency Management DEM 1) Department of Environmental Management JIOC Joint Investigative Operations Center FHBM Flood Hazard Boundary Map ODS Operation Desert Safeguard PL 93-288 Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (as amended) 2) Project Number ES 1) Emergency Support 3) Associate Director AFSS Automated Flight Service Station YLD 1) Yield SCS Soil and Conservation Service DPAS Defense Priorities and Allocations System QSI Quality Step Increase CCG Crisis Coordination Group TSDR Toxic Substance and Disease Registry NCPI National Committee on Property Insurance NAPA National Academy of Public Administration 2) Administrative Officer NRAT 1) National Radiological Advisory Team CPOT Consolidated Priority Organization Target cfm cubic feet per minute 10-13 rehabilitation is particularly beneficial 3) Threat Advisory Group WG 1) Wage Grade List of Acronyms SLG 101: Guide for All-Hazard Emergency Operations Planning (9/96) page ACR-3 OSC OSHA PA PAZ PBA On-Scene Coordinator U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration public address Protective Action Zone 2010 Jeffrey L Saver. RCBAP Residential Condominium Building Association Policy IARR Interagency Resource Representative 2) Emergency Operations Software TRAC2ES TRANSCOM's Regulating and Command and Control Evacuation System FESC Federal Emergency Support Coordinator These positions are located at DDS/Metro Region Group Homes operated by the Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services. LOC-TFCS Letter of Credit - Treasury Financial Communications System 5) Discrete Organic Chemicals OR&R Office of Regulations and Rulings TMARS Team Management and Rostering System TUAV Tactical Unmanned Aerial Vehicle SDD Software Development Division DO 1) Digital Orthophoto MTMC Military Traffic Management Command

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